Behind the reigns-hayatabad campus

Upon becoming a principal at PMEN family in 2019, their journey has been illuminating, even considering their preceding 21 years in a comparable position. Ms. Naheeda has gained insight into the complexities of teaching and managing at all types of schools. As a principal, she  has the conviction that a careful choice of staff and instilling a team spirit is essential. She takes immense pride in BISEP results of their inaugural batch of 2020 at Hayatabad campus. Incorporating these students as the initial batch of the school in 9th grade was a challenge in its own. The most crucial task was to raise these students in a way that they were able to match the PMEN norms. But, the unwavering support of their staff and their dedication towards the students made it possible to achieve the required criteria. 

The school building was another crucial challenge. But now it has been transformed into a multi-story academic set-up with all the basics and required facilities. She still has hope to view their campus evolving into a comprehensive digital hub with physical education being the integral part of the curriculum. She aims to help their campus towards the path of excellence.

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